
The ModifyTerrain module can (re)model existing terrain DEMs based on threshold values or using the River Builder R package. Threshold value-based terraforming uses DEMs of existing rivers and applies either widening (berm setback) or grading, primarily to enable plant survival (for phreatophytes). While the input DEMs are not necessarily required to be part of a River Architect Condition, the definition of Conditions is still required because the module uses maximum lifespan maps and depth to groundwater Rasters to identify candidate pixels for terraforming.

Quick GUIde to terrain modifications

Main window set-up and run

The GUI start-up takes a couple of seconds because the module updates reach information from a spreadsheet until the following window opens.


To start with the ModifyTerrain module, first a feature set must be chosen from the drop-down menu, which is currently limited to “Widen” and “Grading”. Second, a Condition needs to be entered, which requires a click on the Verify button to update the GUI. This behavior differs from the LifespanDesign and MaxLifespan modules and an ample revision of the ModifyTerrain module will align to the lifespan modules in the future.

Input: Set Reaches

This module enables analysis for specific river reaches, which can be renamed and the reach extents can be modified. The module analyzes all reaches which are defined in a spreadsheet stored in ModifyTerrain/.templates/computation_extents.xlsx. For omitting the reach fragmentation, select IGNORE from the Reaches drop-down menu.

Input: Set Condition

For terrain modifications, the module requires an input topo (DEM), which it looks up in the RiverArchitect/LifespanDesign/Input/CONDITION/ directory by default. The input directory can be modified by clicking on the “Change input DEM directory (optional)” button. Note that the input folder needs to contain a GeoTIFF DEM Raster with the name dem; other Raster names are not recognized and the input dem is crucial for any operation of the module.

Threshold value-based terraforming: Widening and Grading options

The “Widen” and “Grading” features use the maximum required distance to the groundwater table, which is admissible for plantings. These threshold values are defined in the LifespanDesign module’s workbook RiverArchitect/LifespanDesign/Input/.templates/threshold_values.xlsx. The prior run of the MaxLifespan module is required to enable ModifyTerrain reading Rasters containing the keywords grade or widen from the folder RiverArchitect/MaxLifespan/Output/Rasters/CONDITION/. Moreover, a depth to groundwater table Raster (GeoTIFF format) with the name d2w.tif is required in the directory RiverArchitect/01_Conditions/CONDITION/ (use the Get Started’s Populate Condition function to create a depth to the groundwater Raster).
The directory of maximum lifespan and depth to groundwater Rasters can be modified by clicking on the Change feature max. lifespan Raster directory (optional) button. This directory needs to contain GeoTIFF-Rasters, which have the keywords grade or widen in their filename.


All run options in the Run dropdown menu enables the Threshold-based DEM modification when Reaches, Features, and a CONDITION were defined.

Alternative run options

The ModifyTerrain module has no standalone statement and it is recommended to use the GUI for launching the modules routines. If needed, the module can alternatively be imported and used as python package as follows:

  1. Go to ArcGIS Pros Python folder and double-click one of the following:
    C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\scripts\propy.bat or
    C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\python.exe

  2. Enter import os

  3. Navigate to Script direction using the command os.chdir("ScriptDirectory")
    Example: os.chdir("D:/Python/RiverArchitect/ModifyTerrain/")

  4. Import the module: import cModifyTerrain as cmt

  5. Instantiate a ModifyTerrain object:
    mt = cmt.ModifyTerrain(condition , unit_system, feature_ids , topo_in_dir , feat_in_dir , reach_ids)
    unit_system must be either “us” or “si”
    feature_ids is a list of features shortnames
    topo_in_dir is an input directory for DEM and depth to groundwater table Rasters
    feat_in_dir is an input directory for feature max. lifespan Rasters; for custom DEMs feat_in_dir can be a dummy directory
    reach_ids is a list of reach names to limit the analysis

  6. The DEM Modification is launched by calling the ModifyTerrain object that outputs the calculation logfile with volume change information: logfile = mt()

  7. The analysis is limited to running the Volume Calculator when the ModifyTerrain object is called with arguments: logfile = mt(True, path_to_modified_DEM)

Raster Output

The module creates Rasters of modified DEMs and terrain difference Rasters for grading and/or widen features in the directory ModifyTerrain/Output/Rasters/CONDITION/). Raster names contain a reach identifier (r00, r01, … r07 corresponding to spreadsheet rows 6–13), part of the features shortnames. In addition, terrain difference Raster, "d" with either "neg" for excavation or "pos" for fill.


Please note that automated mapping is currently deactivated for the ModifyTerrain module. For mapping graded or widened terrain, use the VolumeAssessment module and link the ModifyTerrain output Rasters to the ArcGIS Pro project file RiverArchitect/02_Maps/CONDITION/map_CONDITION_design.aprx. The relevant layout names for the ModifyTerrain module are:

  • volumes_grade_neg for mapping the terrain differences of parametrically (threshold-based) floodplain grading within the Modify Terrain module (only excavation neg is meaningful)

  • volumes_widen_neg for mapping the terrain differences of parametrically (threshold-based) river widening within the Modify Terrain module (only excavation neg is meaningful)

Working principles

The module can lower the terrain for grading and/or widen features to make relevant areas adequate for plantings. It looks up the maximum possible depth to groundwater for the considered planting types in RiverArchitect/LifespanDesign/Input/.templates/threshold_values.xlsx, cells J6:M6. The required lowering dz results from the minimum depth to groundwater value of the latter cells:
required_d2w = min([plant1.threshold_d2w_up, plant2.threshold_d2w_up, plant3.threshold_d2w_up, plant4.threshold_d2w_up])
The condition DEM (act_dem) is lowered using the arcpy’s spatial analyst:
new_dem = Con((d2w > required_d2w), Float(act_dem - (d2w - required_d2w)), act_dem)

Code modification: Add routines for automated DEM modification

Other routines for the automated generation of modified terrains can be added as follows:

  • Create new function in the ModifyTerrain class (file ModifyTerrain/, which contains routines for creating a new DEM, for example:

  def create_new_dem(self, feat_id, extents):"") 
    feature_name = self.features.feat_name_dict[feat_id]"* *   * *   * * " + feature_name.capitalize() + " * *   * *  * *")
    # set arcpy env = True
    arcpy.env.workspace = self.cache
    if not (type(extents) == str):
        # XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax
        arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Extent(extents[0], extents[1], extents[2], extents[3])
      except:"ERROR: Failed to set reach extents.")
        return (-1)
      arcpy.env.extent = extents
    # arcpy.CheckOutExtension('Spatial')  # check out license if needed
    # get feature maximum lifespan raster (or any other input raster):
    feat_act_ras = self.get_action_raster(feat_id)
    # set NoData values to 0:
    feat_ras_cor = Con(IsNull(feat_act_ras), self.null_ras, feat_act_ras)"  >> Calculating DEM after terrain " + feature_name + " ... ")
    # assign a dem for modification (see descriptions below)
    if self.raster_info.__len__() > 0 and not ("diff" in self.raster_info):
      # use modified DEM if there was a prior automated modification"   ... based on " + str(self.raster_info) + "-DEM  ... ")
      dem = self.raster_dict[self.raster_info]
      ...add other required Rasters
      # use condition DEM if there was no prior raster modification 
      dem = self.ras_dem
      ...add other required Rasters
    new_dem = ...some function...
    # calculated difference DEM for volume calculation
    new_dem_diff_neg = ...
    new_dem_diff_pos = ...
    # update class dictionaries (communicate modifications)
    self.raster_dict.update({feat_id[0:3] + "_diffneg": new_dem_diff_neg})
    self.raster_dict.update({feat_id[0:3] + "_diffpos": new_dem_diff_pos})
    self.raster_info = feat_id[0:3]
    self.raster_dict.update({self.raster_info: new_dem})
    # arcpy.CheckInExtension('Spatial')  # release license if necessary	


 +  The `self , feat_id , extents` arguments are required for the implementation in the call-routine, where is a [features shortnames](River-design-features#introduction-and-feature-groups) `extent` and is an `arcpy.Extent` variable that limits DEM creation to this extent.

 +  `` sends messages to the logger, which are also printed on the *Python* terminal.

 +  `dem = self.raster_dict[self.raster_info]` uses the latest DEM version; this is the `condition` DEM if no other terrain modification was applied before. Otherwise, for example if "grading" was used for the automated terrain modification before this function is used, `dem = self.raster_dict[self.raster_info]` points to the terrain DEM after grading.
  • Implement the new function in the modification manager:

  def modification_manager(self, feat_id):
    if not(self.reach_delineation):
      extents = "MAXOF"
        extents = self.reader.get_reach_coordinates(self.reaches.dict_id_int_id[self.current_reach_id])
        extents = "MAXOF""ERROR: Reach delineation recognized but not identifiable in input
      if ("grad" in feat_id) or ("wide" in feat_id):
        self.lower_dem_for_plants(feat_id, extents)
      if ("feature_shortname" in feat_id):
        self.create_new_dem(feat_id, extents)

  • Save edits

  • The adapted code can now be executed using the alternative run options, where feature_ids = ["shortname of new feature"].
    Hint: The new method can also be implemented in the GUI by adding self.featmenu.add_command(label="New Feature", command=lambda: self.define_feature("new ID") to def __init__(...) of the FaGui() class in the file This requires adding an if not(feature_id == "new ID"): ... else: ... statement in the self.define_feature function according to the function environment.